Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tatum Auden Kassinger

This is Tatum Auden Kassinger, and she is smiling at Mom...How cute!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                      
Anyways we went to the hospital and we walked in the room and she was there right in front of me then I sat on the bed and they set her in my hands then there for the very first time I saw Tatum Auden Kassinger.
It looked like she was trying to smile at me, but I don't think so, but obviously she is smiling at Lydia in this picture, but Tatum was in my arms I was so happy to be holding my very first beautiful niece and it was sooooo cute because she decided to take a little nap in my arms so I thought because I tried to position my arms differently and I couldn't because (here it comes) she was clutching my thumb sooooooooo tight!!!!!!!


  1. tatum loves her uncle scott!!! : )
    she is excited to see you tomorrow, i just know it!
    me and josh are, too. we love you! : )
